A lot of our customers have several LinkedIn accounts for their business needs that are being managed via Linked Helper. Some Linked Helper users manage not only their own but colleagues' accounts as well. Others use Linked Helper to render LinkedIn accounts managing related services. The ability to run several LinkedIn accounts simultaneously is the best way for marketers or sellers to expand their outreach.
Linked Helper allows you to manage multiple LinkedIn accounts on one PC, provided that it's powerful enough or you can rent a remote server that suits your needs and meets the hardware requirements - How to install Linked Helper on a VPS / dedicated server. Here are the things to keep in mind:
You can use one license to manage several LinkedIn accounts, but not simultaneously, or you can buy several licenses, one per instance (account), to be able to manage all LinkedIn accounts at the same time - Licensing: Standart and PRO licenses. Pricing and discounts.
1. When using the same license for each LinkedIn account you need to switch the license between accounts manually:
- accounts can't work simultaneously;
- you will have to reattach the license each time when you switch to another instance;
+ no need in additional licenses.
2. You can buy a license for each instance:
- expenses on additional licenses;
+ can work simultaneously;
+ you won`t have to reattach the license each time when you switch to another instance.
If you're an agency and want to manage your colleagues' licenses (a license does not contain any LinkedIn account data, it only provides you with the ability to run any LinkedIn account), you can create an organization and add your colleagues there. In Linked Helper, the "Organization" feature is used to make license management easier. Licenses are listed under your company name and any member of your team (organization) can grab the available free license or a license that was already assigned to his Linked Helper account from the common "pot". The owner of the organization can assign or detach licenses, and add / delete employees:
- What is the difference between personal and organizational licenses?
- How to create an organization and add employees to it
- How to switch license between your employees
Precautions and best practices
LinkedIn does not endorse when you manage someone else's LinkedIn account, as well as create false identities (fake accounts).
Please, look through the precautions and best practices you should take if you are managing multiple accounts or someone else's LinkedIn account on behalf of that person, no matter with or without automation tools:
Use LinkedIn search instead of URL navigation
If you open 50 profiles via URL manually in Chrome, then you most likely will be logged out of your LinkedIn account. That’s why Linked Helper uses in page navigation, i.e. it searches profiles via LinkedIn search like an average user would do. That's why, when managing a LinkedIn account even manually, you need to use LinkedIn search and ask LinkedIn account owner to use search instead of opening profiles via URLs.
Is opening profiles via URL navigation in the browser all you need to avoid? No, because the same thing happens when you make a right mouse click on a profile name and choose “Open link in new tab” or “Open link in new window”. If you open a profile in a new tab via middle mouse button (wheel) click, it is also opened via URL navigation.Check this article for more info - How to stay safe when working with LinkedIn manually?
One LinkedIn account - one separate instance
It sometimes happens that, when managing several LinkedIn accounts, you need to open them in Chrome or any other browser as well. In such cases, please make sure to always create and use a separate instance for every account you manage - The easiest way to create a new Chrome Instance to manage multiple LinkedIn accounts with Linked Helper simultaneously.
There is no need to worry about this when using Linked Helper 2, as it always uses a separate instance for each LinkedIn account and won't allow you to login to several different LinkedIn accounts under one and the same instance, as well as to create several instances for one and the same LinkedIn account. -
Use proxies or VPN
It looks suspicious when several accounts are being accessed from one and the same IP address, or one and the same LinkedIn account is constantly accessed from different countries. In order to avoid that, you need to use VPN extensions when managing accounts via Chrome browser and proxy when managing accounts via Linked Helper - Can I use Linked Helper 2 with a VPN program?
Consider using proxy / VPN with the same location of the LinkedIn account you manage. Bear in mind that using a single proxy for multiple accounts will lead to a situation when you will have the same IP address for all of them. So, please, consider having a different proxy for each account you manage.
It would be much better to ask LinkedIn accounts owners to use separate browser instance and the same proxy you use, so every log in to the account to be made from the same IP address. They can use Chrome extensions that are able to change the IP address of one particular Chrome instance - "proxy switcher" extensions in Chrome Web Store. -
No simultaneous usage, stick to a schedule
Naturally, no human is capable of inviting 2nd-degree connections via Chrome browser and sending follow-up messages to recently added 1st-degree connections via mobile app at the same time. This behavior looks suspicious for LinkedIn, that's why we urge our customers to avoid simultaneous activity in one and the same LinkedIn account from different programs (browsers, mobile apps, etc.), no matter whether those are on the same PC / use the same IP address or not, as this leads to exceeded daily limits and simultaneous activity from different login sessions.
Even if you manage only your LinkedIn account on one PC, we recommend avoid activity via Chrome browser / mobile app when Linked Helper is performing any action - Can I use LinkedIn account via browser / mobile app when Linked Helper is running?
If you manage someone else's LinkedIn account(s), agree with your client on days and hours when you can work on his or her account using Linked Helper (you can use this article on scheduling Linked Helper), and time slots when they can access their LinkedIn accounts themselves. It is not necessary to log out every time when LinkedIn account is used by Linked Helper, but all LinkedIn tabs must be closed.
Setting up multiple LinkedIn accounts
Hardware and software requirements for PC or remote server:
You can get all the information about the hardware and software requirements from this article - What Linked Helper hardware and software requirements are?
If your PC is not powerful enough to handle all the LinkedIn accounts, you can rent a remote server. HostZealot is a dedicated server provider that has a number of options to choose from where Linked Helper program is already installed.
On their webpage you can filter and find dedicated server that is capable of handing the number of LinkedIn accounts you're going to manage, i.e. you don't need to calculate how many RAM server should have or what's the minimum number of cores / threads should be in its CPU:
Technically, you can install and manage Linked Helper on any other server - How to run Linked Helper in a cloud / remote server.
There is no need to be constantly connected to the server, you or your colleagues can remotely manage campaigns using Linked Helper remote access:
Add a new instance:
- Open Linked Helper Launcher.
- Navigate to the LinkedIn Accounts menu.
- Click Add new button.
- Fill in your email address and password (password field is not mandatory, but if no password is submitted, you will have to log in to the account manually).
- Click Add button.
If you want to use one license to manage multiple LinkedIn accounts (not simultaneously) you can reattach your license as per the instruction below:
- Navigate to the Licenses section in the Launcher menu.
- Filter licenses if needed, hover mouse over the license record and click on Attach to LinkedIn account button.
- Choose an instance from the list.
- Click Assign button.
Set up proxy:
Linked Helper supports HTTP / HTTPS / SOCKS / SOCKS5 IPv4 proxy. There are no particular recommendations on where to buy proxy. As fore the type, you can choose Datacenter, Residential or ISP option (whatever is cheaper). We recommend using private ones to ensure there won't be any issues with logouts.
We use proxies from these providers:
- https://proxy-seller.com/?partner=ogX2VuviOfibIq (IPv6 proxies from this provider works in Linked Helper because IPv6 is implemented there as a tunnel from IPv4 to IPv6);
- https://proxy6.net/en/e/164120 (IPv6 proxies from this provider works in Linked Helper because IPv6 is implemented there as a tunnel from IPv4 to IPv6).
However, these providers are not the only ones you can use and we cannot guarantee the stability of these third party companies, so you can find another one you personally prefer.
To add a proxy, please:
- Open Linked Helper Launcher and navigate to Proxies menu.
- Click Add new button.
- Choose protocol. If not sure, choose auto.
- Fill in the IP address and port.
- Fill in proxy's login and password (these fields are mandatory only if your proxy is private and cannot be accessed without authorization).
- Click Test and save button.
If everything is fine you will receive the message "Connection is ok. There are no problems with proxy or linked-helper proxy":
Assign proxy:
- Navigate to the Proxies section in the Launcher menu and hover mouse over the proxy.
- Click on Assign to LinkedIn accounts button.
- Choose instance(s) from the list.
- Click Assign button.
Thank you very much for your attention. We hope that these tips helped you! Here are some more useful articles from our blog:
- LinkedIn for network marketing: a follow-up strategy for 2022 with an automated tool
- Automate mass LinkedIn outreach: 10X more sent invitations
You can try the software for free during 14 days - download it and activate a free trial.
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