In the Dashboard section, you can check and download the statistics such as Acceptance rate, Reply rate, and overall activity, which can be helpful for marketers and sellers.
If you want to have more detailed statistics, please check the Statistics tab of your campaigns.
General Dashboard statistics
You can find statistics in the Dashboard section of your instance:
You can choose the needed period of time for showing the statistics (1) in the Graph boundaries section, you can also choose all campaigns statistics or select the specific one (2) in the Campaign section, and download data if needed (3):
If you hover the mouse over the graph's dots, you can see the number of actions made on a certain day:
- 'Daily activity' tab shows total amount of actions made at specified data rage, including failed profiles, while 'Invited and Accepted' shows only successfully processed profiles.
- Daily activity tab doesn't show activities of Filter contacts out of my network (keep 1st level only), Delay between actions, and Check for replies.
- Only Linked Helper 2 actions are counted, manual interaction can't be included in the Dashboard statistics.
- Archived campaigns are also included into statistics.
- The second period of statistics against certain action shows the data for the chosen period of time, not for the overall data:
You can also see the status of all Linked Helper 2 campaigns:
- Running - shows a campaign, which is currently running and performing actions.
- Queued - shows a number of active campaigns that are currently queued because another campaign is running or "Campaigns runner" is not on at the moment.
- Sleeping - shows a campaign, which is delayed because of the current "timeout" in its actions or because you scheduled it to start later. If "Campaigns runner" is on and no other campaign is running, Linked Helper will start this campaign as soon as it leaves "Sleep mode". You can read more about the reasons behind the campaign sleeping state in this article.
- Stopped - shows a number of campaigns that were manually stopped with the "Stop" button. They won't be added to the "Campaigns runner" queue when you start "Campaigns runner".
- Completed - shows a number of campaigns that do not have any profiles in their "Queue's" so there is nothing to perform in these campaigns.
The Dashboard section can show you the number of connections you have in Linked Helper 2 CRM:
- 1st level - shows the number of 1st level connections added to the internal Linked Helper 2 CRM.
- 2nd level - shows the number of 2nd level connections added to the internal Linked Helper 2 CRM.
- 3rd level - shows the number of 3d level connections added to the internal Linked Helper 2 CRM.
- Out of network - shows the number of out of network connections added to the internal Linked Helper 2 CRM.
Note: CRM section at the bottom shows data for only those profiles that have been processed in Linked Helper. Program updates the status of profiles only during the execution, e.g. if you invited contacts and they accepted your invitation, Linked Helper 2 will update profiles' degree of connection only after visiting profiles or processing them in the Filter contacts out of my network (keep 1st level only) action.
Invited / Accepted, Messaged / Replied statistics
Invited and Accepted statistics.
If you want to see the statistics on the number of invited contacts or newly accepted contacts, you need to switch to the Invited and Accepted tab. Statistics for the accepted contacts are seen for the Filter contacts out of my network (keep 1st level only) action. Statistics are updated after each action execution:
1. In the Graph boundaries section you can set up the needed time interval for the statistics.
2. In the Campaign section you can choose to check the statistics for all campaign or a particular campaign, just click on the drop-down menu and choose the needed campaign:
3. In this (3) section you can see the statistics in numbers. The number of invited contacts in total, the number of accepted contacts in total, and the percentage of accepted contacts from the number of sent invitations.
4. If you navigate your mouse to a certain date, you can see the number of Invited / Accepted contacts on a certain date.
5. Additional filter to see only Invited or only Accepted statistics. E.g. if you uncheck the Accepted, you can see the numbers for Invited only:
- Unlike Daily activity tab, Invited and Accepted tab shows only the amount of successfully processed profiles excluding failed ones.
- Linked Helper updates the number of accepted invitations after executing Filter contacts out of my network (keep 1st level only) action, so the numbers may be out of date if the campaign hasn't been executed for a long time.
Messaged and Replied statistics.
If you want to see the statistics on how many messages were sent and how many replies did you get, then you need to switch to the Messaged and Replied tab.
Replied statistics is checked for the following actions:
- Message to 1st level connections
- InMail to 2nd & 3rd contacts
- Message to group members
- Message to event attendees
Statistics can be seen only after execution:
1. In the Graph boundaries section you can set up the needed time interval for the statistics.
2. In the Campaign section you can choose to check the statistics for all campaign or a particular campaign, just click on the drop-down menu and choose the needed campaign:
3. In this (3) section you can see the statistics in numbers. The number of messaged contacts in total (excluding invitation messages), the number of replies in total (including replies to invitations), and the percentage of replies from the number of sent messages.
4. If you navigate your mouse to a certain date, you can see the number of Messaged / Replied contacts on a certain date.
5. Additional filter to see only Messaged or only Replied statistics. E.g. if you uncheck the Messaged, you can see the numbers for Replies only:
- Unlike Daily activity tab, Messaged and Replied tab shows only the amount of successfully processed profiles excluding failed ones.
- Linked Helper updates the number of replies after executing Message to 1st connections and Check for replies actions, so the numbers may be out of date if the campaign hasn't been executed for a long time.
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