If you saw exactly the same message as per the screenshot below ("You're out of invitations for now" or "You've reached the weekly invitation limit"), then you should know that this is not a Linked Helper issue. Your LinkedIn account may be either temporarily restricted from sending invitations to people for the reasons mentioned here Types of Restrictions for Sending Invitations - LinkedIn, or most likely, you are under new LinkedIn limitation of about 200 invitations per week.
New LinkedIn interface:
This could be three reasons for the popup to appear:
- You're under a weekly limit of 200 invites
- You've sent many invitations within a short amount of time
- Many of your invitations have been rejected or left pending by the recipients
You're under a newly implemented weekly invitation limit
A lot of our customers claimed they got this popup every week after about 200 invites. According to many LinkedIn-related websites, as well as LinkedIn support representatives, a new limitation will soon be placed on every profile in LinkedIn, capping the invitations to about 200 per week - Invitation Limit Reached - LinkedIn
Currently, not every LinkedIn account is under the limit since some of them are still able to send more invitations, but it seems that LinkedIn is testing new limits on a part of its users and this is a matter of time when they are implemented for everyone.
There is nothing to worry about as this is not a warning or a restriction that may lead to an account ban. LinkedIn has been always fighting against platform abusers, so this is just another attempt to protect their users from spam and maintain their reputation as a professional platform.
In case you hit the limit it is not possible to lift it in any way apart from waiting till another week as it is not possible to get more credits even if you have a paid subscription or you have withdrawn sent pending invitations or some of them were accepted.
All the workarounds are mentioned in this article - Is there a life after LinkedIn weekly invitation limit?
You've sent many invitations within a short amount of time
LinkedIn monitors your account for how much and how fast you do things. Linked Helper is safe (Is it safe to use Linked Helper?), but if they detect too much activity they may restrict your account even if you did that manually. For example, they can restrict your LinkedIn account inviting functionality. In this case, we recommend spreading the inviting activity along the day via Advanced limits (p. Limiting certain activity types).
You can also try:
- First restriction - Wait a few hours before you try again.
- Multiple restrictions a day - Wait a few days to try again. Note: Most restrictions will automatically be removed within a few days.
- If you have a lot of pending invites, withdraw all of them except the recent 500 and then try again – How to cancel sent pending invites?
Many of your invitations have been rejected or left pending by the recipients
To check how many sent pending invitations you have, please open this link: https://www.linkedin.com/mynetwork/invitation-manager/sent/
It's a good practice to cancel old pending invitations that left unaccepted. We recommend having less than 500 pending invites, i.e. you need to withdraw them every 2 - 4 weeks to avoid any issues with LinkedIn - How to cancel sent pending invites?
Next time you'll start inviting please check out these tips and tricks to increase the acceptance rate:
- Use Visit & Extract profiles Action to visit 2nd & 3rd connections 1-3 times before sending them a connection request;
- Write and save invitation message template:
- Personalize your message with {firstname} and / or any other variables using Message Template Editor PRO
- Introduce yourself and explain why you want to join his/her network;
- Add signature with your email address & phone number, but without links;
- Test different times for sending connection requests. I found those evening hours have a better acceptance rate. You can schedule Linked Helper 2 as per this instruction.
- Most people will check your profile before accepting a request. Make sure it is populated with relevant information. Even background image matters. You can find a lot of articles about how to create an appealing LinkedIn profile.
If your account gets restricted, you may wait for 5-7 days and it may be lifted without any actions from you. Otherwise, you will need to contact LinkedIn support and ask them politely to lift the restriction, of course, without mentioning that you use automation software: How to contact LinkedIn support directly
You can try the software for free during 14 days - download it and activate a free trial.
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