Almost every case when profiles are being skipped during the collecting process or when no profile is collected at all is not a Linked Helper bug, but a standard predefined behavior to protect Linked Helper users from sending duplicates or collecting profiles who cannot be processed.
Linked Helper shows you the reasons why profiles were skipped during collecting process:
Profiles are skipped in the following cases:
- Contact is already in one sub-list (Queue, Processed, Exclude) of the current Action / Campaign.
- LinkedIn shows LinkedIn Member instead of the real recipient name.
- Connection / Relationship filters aren't set properly.
- You set the Relationship filter to 3rd-degree contacts, but out of network profiles were added to search results.
- Your LinkedIn account is new / has few 1st-degree connections or does not have them at all.
- You are trying to collect already invited profiles into Invite 2nd and 3rd level contacts action from the LinkedIn or Sales Navigator search.
1. Contact is already in one of the sub-lists (Queue, Processed, Exclude) of a current Action / Campaign.
Linked Helper is built in such a way that it won't let you process one and the same profile twice. When you collect people into certain Action / Campaign, Linked Helper adds them into the Queue list.
As Linked Helper processes a profile, it moves a contact from the Queue list to Processed. The program will not collect or process a contact via the same Action / Campaign again if the profile is already in the Exclude, Processed, or Queue list of the Action / Campaign. Please, note that the Exclude list of a Campaign is applied to all Actions in the Campaign:
There is nothing to do since most likely you won't need duplicates in the campaign/action.
2. LinkedIn shows “LinkedIn Member” instead of the real recipient name.
You should know that profiles out of your network have limited visibility. LinkedIn puts LinkedIn Member instead of real names and limits profiles availability if they are not your 1st, 2nd, 3rd-degree connections or members of the shared group: Your Network and Degrees of Connection - LinkedIn Help.
You can filter profiles only by 2nd-degree connection filter to exclude 3rd+ and those who are out of network.
There is nothing you can do with such profiles, hence Linked Helper does not collect them.
3. Connection / Relationship filters aren't set properly.
You have not set LinkedIn Connection / Relationship filters properly, so you have profiles in a search result, which can not be processed by the current Linked Helper Action.
For example, LinkedIn does not allow you to invite 1st-degree contacts since they already part of your network, therefore, there is no point in collecting them into Invite 2nd & 3rd contacts Action.
Make sure that you have set the relationship filter in the LinkedIn search according to the action where you collect profiles to. When you collect profiles into Campaign Queue, note that the it is equal to the Queue of its first Action.
These Actions can process ONLY 1st-degree connections:
- Invite to group
- Remove from 1st connections
- Endorse my contacts
- Invite to follow organization
- Invite to event
- Message to 1st connections
These Actions can process only 2nd or 3rd-degree connections ONLY:
- Invite 2nd and 3rd level contacts
- InMail to 2nd & 3rd contacts (unless messaging 1st degree connections in Recruiter platform)
These Actions can process 1st, 2nd, or 3rd-degree connections:
- Visit and extract profiles
- Follow/unfollow profiles
- Filter contacts out of my network (keep 1st level only)
- Send person to Webhook
- Delay between actions
- Check for reply
- Like and comment posts and articles
- InMail to 2nd & 3rd contacts (when messaging 1st degree connections in Recruiter platform)
- Find profile emails
- Message to group members
- Message to event attendees
4. You set Relationship filter to 3rd-degree contacts, but out of network profiles were added to search results.
Even though some out of network profiles (no 3rd badge) have real names instead of LinkedIn Member, they will also be skipped as Linked Helper cannot process them.
You can filter profiles only by 2nd-degree connection filter to exclude 3rd+ and those who are out of network.
There is nothing you can do with such profiles, hence Linked Helper does not collect them.
5. Your LinkedIn account is new / has few 1st-degree connections or does not have them at all.
When your LinkedIn account is brand new, it has neither 1st, nor 2nd, or 3rd-degree connections at all. Hence despite filtering enabled, you'll get only out of network profiles in your search results.
Here is what you can do:
- Fill your profile with education, job experience, and some other information about you.
- Go to where you will find two sections: "Alumni you may know" & "Recommended for you". You should invite 10-15 people daily, wait for a few days until part of them will accept your invitation. In a few days, you will be able to search for targeted 2nd & 3rd level connections.
Bear in mind that you should warm up a new LinkedIn account to avoid its restriction by LinkedIn: start from 10-15 actions a day and increase your daily activity by 10 every 2-3 weeks until you reach these limits: What kind of limits should I use?
6. You collect already invited profiles into Invite 2nd and 3rd level contacts action from LinkedIn or Sales Navigator search.
If you collect 2nd or 3rd-degree profiles into Invite 2nd and 3rd level contacts action or in the Campaign Queue where this action is the first in the workflow, and in the search result there are profiles with Pending, Invite Sent, Invited, or with a similar status (i.e. already invited profiles who have not accepted your invitations yet), then Linked Helper will skip such profiles during collecting process since LinkedIn won't allow to send them invitation twice, therefore, there is no point in processing them via Invite 2nd and 3rd level contacts action.
You cannot invite profiles with Pending status, hence Linked Helper does not collect them. The tool also automatically cancels old unaccepted invitations so that later you could invite them again - Automatic sent invites canceller for Filter contacts out of my network (keep 1st level only) plug-in
You can try the software for free during 14 days - download it and activate a free trial.
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