Linked Helper is the perfect tool for sellers who want to reach out to as many profiles as possible, and Linked Helper allows them doing that via different options mentioned in this article: Is there a life after LinkedIn weekly invitation limit?
Note: most LinkedIn accounts have a limit of 200 invitations per week.
However, you may face a warning from LinkedIn side. If you saw exactly the same message as the ones in the screenshots below ('You're reached the invitation limit"), then you should know that this is not a Linked Helper issue.
As per the link in the warning popup, your LinkedIn account may be temporarily restricted from sending invitations to connect with others if you’ve sent a large number of invitations within a short amount of time. You’ll be able to send invitations again within a few days, but you may have to wait up to one week. You may also consider withdrawing sent pending invitations if you have more than 500 of them.
Next time you'll start inviting please check out these tips and tricks to increase the acceptance rate:
- Use Follow profiles and Like and comment posts and articles actions to warm-up 2nd & 3rd connections before sending them a connection request.
- Write and save invitation message template:
- Personalize your message with {firstname}, {company}, {position}, and / or any other variables or custom fields.
- Introduce yourself and explain why you want to join his/her network;
- Make your LinkedIn messages 3x times more effective using the RRR technique;
- Add signature with your email address & phone number, but without links;
- Test different times for sending connections requests. I found those evening hours have a better acceptance rate - Working Hours and Limits
- Most people will check your profile before accepting a request. Make sure it is populated with relevant information. Even background image matters. You can find a lot of articles about how to create an appealing LinkedIn profile.
If your account gets restricted, you may wait for 5-7 days and it may be lifted without any actions from you.
Note: most LinkedIn accounts have a limit of 200 invitations per week.
Otherwise, you will need to contact LinkedIn support and ask them politely to lift the restriction, of course, without mentioning that you use automation software - How to contact LinkedIn support directly
Thank you very much for your attention. We hope that these tips helped you! Here are some more useful articles from our blog:
- How to optimize a LinkedIn sales profile for lead generation: instructions and 8 examples
- LinkedIn for beginners: Full guide to grow 7X faster with an automation toolkit
You can try the software for free during 14 days - download it and activate a free trial.
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