Each collected or uploaded profile is stored in Linked Helper's database. If you click on any collected or uploaded profile, you will be able to see what info of it Linked Helper stores and edit some of that information. This feature is convenient for recruiters as they can review potential candidates and their job history inside Linked Helper.
You can review all profiles in the Linked Helper CRM. You need to have Built-in CRM plug-in installed.
- What data does profile page in CRM store?
- What data can be exported?
- Why LH doesn't show some data in the profile's card?
What data does profile page in CRM store?
Basically, Linked Helper stores all data which was scraped from the LinkedIn profile page when visiting it for inviting, messaging, endorsing, etc.
Please, note that :
- Loading data models, such as Positions, Skills, Contact information (email, phones, websites, Twitter, etc.), is switched off in most actions in order to optimize Linked Helper work as well as to reduce the number of activities that LinkedIn can use as a pattern against Linked Helper.
- Visit & Extract still loads all data models but they are cached now and updated rarely: positions are updated in 14 days since the last scraping, skills and emails - in 21 days since the last scraping (do not worry, emails of 1st-degree connections are collected right away if they are absent from database).
Part of the data can be used as filters to narrow your search in campaign, action, or CRM. Please check how to manage profiles in the campaign Queue here.
Here is an example of how the profile's CRM card looks like:
Data here is split into several groups, let's take a look at each of them:
1. General information:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Position
- Company
- Headline
- Relationship
- Connection date (if the profile was scraped after it became your 1st connection).
Please, note that First Name, Last name, Company, and Position can be manually edited only if Linked Helper already scraped that information from the search page or from the profile's page directly:
Here you can:
- add profile to any other campaign using 'Add to' button;
- download its data into a CSV file;
- exclude from a campaign if profile was added there but not yet processed:
2. Campaign's data and messaging history
Linked Helper tracks when a profile was added to the campaign, when processed by a certain action, through which platform it was processed, what messages did he/she receive and what was the reply.
You can navigate directly to the campaign if you click on its name:
Linked Helper 2 can scrape messaging history with a profile when processing it via via Message to 1st connections, InMail to 2nd & 3rd contacts, Message to group members, Message to event attendees, Scrape messaging history, or Check for replies actions.
Your full messaging history of every scraped chat with a profile can be found on the profile's CRM card:
There can be several chats with one person:
3. Profile IDs.
LinkedIn profile can have many IDs across all LinkedIn platforms (Regular LinkedIn, Sales Navigator, Recruiter), as well several IDs inside one platform (you can see several IDs of regular LinkedIn platform in the screenshot below). Here are some peculiarities:
- LH ID is used in Linked Helper database only, its unique per profile only within a certain database;
- LinkedIn Member ID is the unique ID of a LinkedIn profile, it never changes;
- LinkedIn Public ID is the one you see at the end of a profile's LinkedIn URL; it can be changed by the profile owner;
- Sales Navigator Hash ID is used in Sales Navigator URL. You can use Sales Navigator URLs collected via other LinkedIn account, but such URLs cannot be opened manually in LinkedIn account without Sales Navigator subscription. However, Linked Helper can use Sales Navigator URLs even if LinkedIn account does not have Sales Navigator subscription, click here to learn more.
- Recruiter Member ID is used in Recruiter URL. Recruiter URLs collected in one LinkedIn accout cannot be opened in another LinkedIn neither manually nor via Linked Helper even if the LinkedIn account you use have Recruiter subscription.
You can view the profile with "Show In" buttons. If you select the source Linked Helper will redirect you to this profile's page in "LinkedIn", "Sales Navigator" or "Recruiter". If you use "Show in" button Linked Helper will re-scrape only general information of the profile (if it was not manually edited).
Using one of "Scrape from" buttons will make Linked Helper go to "LinkedIn", "Sales Navigator" or "Recruiter" page of the profile and also re-scrape all data from the page (except First Name, Last Name, Company and Position if they were edited in the Linked Helper CRM)
4. Industry and Summary from the LinkedIn page:
Please note that Industry field is filled in only when profile was processed in Sales Navigator, as LinkedIn does not provide industry information of a profile in regular LinkedIn:
5. Profile's personal information.
This is basically the information which is shown only for your 1st connections on LinkedIn. Here you can find whether the profile has:
- Premium, Influence, Open link, Job seeker status (the latter two available only when scraping from Sales Navigator and Recuiter correspondingly);
- email (Please note that if the profile is not your 1st connection yet, this data won't be available unless you scrape it using Find Profile Emails Action)
- website;
- connections count;
- followers count;
- birthday (if shown on the LinkedIn page):
6. Linked Helper's profile data
The data which you set up additionally for certain profile(s) in Linked Helper. You can:
- add a note for the profile, for example, info about where you met the person the first time in real life;
- add and view tags with Tagging system plug-in installed;
- add custom variables (available with Custom template variables plug-in installed). Please, note that Campaign and Action level custom fields are visible on the profile page in CRM only when you navigate to it from the same Campaign or Action respectively:
7. Mutual connections
Here you can see mutual connections of yours and selected profile and select 2 of them, in case you want to include "Mutual connections" as "Template" for your message. Please check more info about the message template editor here.
8. Experience, education, skills, and languages:
What data can be exported?
All data you see in the CRM, including sent messages and received replies, of extracted profiles can be exported in a CSV file from CRM or any list of a campaign. Please check the detailed article on how to download profiles from Linked Helper.
Please, note that:
- a profile must be visited before downloading for Linked Helper to collect all the needed information;
- not all info is available in regular LinkedIn, for example, industry is available only when scraping profile via Sales Navigator;
- emails of your 2nd and 3rd degree connections are not available by default after scraping, but you can get them when using Find Profile Emails Action.
Why Linked Helper doesn't show some data in a profile's card?
Sometimes you can notice that there is not enough data for some profiles or no data except profile URL at all. You should know that it is normal - Linked Helper stores all data which it was able to scrape. Basically, that means that even if you collect profiles from search or upload URLs into your campaign, you already can view the profile's card for that profile. Few examples of such profiles:
This profile doesn't have any data except Sales Navigator hash ID, which means this profile was added via uploading a URL into Linked Helper. As you can notice in this screenshot, the profile was added to a campaign yet not processed, so no info is available. Linked Helper will scrape all the missing data while processing profile in the campaign.
You can not edit the First Name, Last name, Company, and Position for this profile, because Linked Helper didn't scrape that info yet. While uploading URLs into Linked Helper, it can read only URLs. Please check the detailed article on how to upload the profile's URLs here.
Another example of missing data is when you collect a profile from search:
LinkedIn search page shows only "First Name", "Last Name" and "Headline" information from the LinkedIn profile. Usually, "Headline" on LinkedIn is combined with "Position" and "Company", but it's up to the person to set up a custom headline on LinkedIn. So please keep in mind that "Company" and "Position" are not shown on the LinkedIn search page - it's actually the profile's headline:
In this case, you will be able to edit only "First Name" and "Last Name", because Linked Helper didn't visit the profile yet to scrape other data from his/her page.
There is a build-in trick in Linked Helper - if the profile's headline looks like "position" at "company" (for e.g Director at Microsoft), then it can detect such data and fill in "Position" and "Company" while collecting from the search page.
You can try the software for free during 14 days - download it and activate a free trial.
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