In order to better understand the abilities provided by Linked Helper, we are going to review several close to real-life cases of managing profiles (filtering, excluding, adding, etc.) in different lists and sub-lists. The experience of filtering profiles is similar across all levels: CRM (available with Built-in CRM plug-in installed), Campaign list, but as we progress further through different lists, you will see that the number of actions that can be performed on profiles may vary from list to list.
CRM level
Let's take a look at Linked Helper CRM which is available with Built-in CRM plug-in installed. Each Linked Helper Instance, where a LinkedIn account is being managed, has its own separate database which stores all the profiles. CRM, basically, is one big list containing all the profiles that were ever collected to any campaign or added to CRM directly.
Please, note that Linked Helper is not a cloud solution, it stores all its data locally on your PC which can be moved between several devices via backups.
From the CRM profiles can be added to any other campaign, provided that they have not been already added, processed, or excluded from that campaign (Exclude list available with Exclude list plug-in installed). Here is how Linked Helper CRM looks like:
- Action buttons - here you can choose what to do with selected profiles: select all in bulk or one by one, add selected to a campaign, add custom variables (with Custom template variables plug-in installed), download them into a CSV, or assign a tag (with Tagging system plug-in installed).
- Filters area - allows you to filter profiles before sending them to a new campaign. For example, you may want to filter out 2nd and 3rd-degree profiles with Open link status in order to send them a free InMail message.
- View & navigation settings - Linked Helper can show even 100 profiles per page in case your screen is big enough or vertically oriented.
In the main part you can see a list of profiles (the number of shown profiles defined by the 'X rows' setting at the bottom of the CRM page).
As you can see from the screenshot above, all you can do with the profiles in CRM is to add them to another campaign, upload custom variables, download profiles, or assign them a tag.
Here is the link to a more detailed article about Linked Helper CRM.
Filters and action buttons
Below is the list of the built-in Linked Helper filters. Every filter is available on every level: CRM, Campaign list, and Action list.
- First name - profile's first name. If it was manually changed in CRM to custom one, then Linked Helper will show the profile only if the custom name is used.
- Last name - profile's last name. If it was manually changed in CRM to custom one, then Linked Helper will show the profile only if the custom name is used.
- Company - profile's current company. It is not always filled-in even after scraping the profile, for example, if there is no current company. If it was manually changed in CRM to custom one, then Linked Helper will show the profile only if the custom name is used.
- Position - profile's current company. It is not always filled-in even after scraping the profile, for example, if there is no current company. If it was manually changed in CRM to custom one, then Linked Helper will show the profile only if the custom name is used.
- Headline - is the text below your name in the introduction card on profile. It's displayed in search results and can be separate from the title of the profile's current position.
- LH ID - Linked Helper database internal identification number. Unique per database, but not across different databases.
- LinkedIn ID - LinkedIn identification number. Every profile has several different IDs across different platforms such as Sales Navigator, Recruiter, Talent. Only LinkedIn member ID is unique and can not be changed.
- Relationship - the degree of connection (1st, 2nd, 3rd, Out of network). Your Network and Degrees of Connection - LinkedIn Help
- Campaign - shows only profiles who are added into certain campaign.
The above-mentioned values can not always be collected, so you can filter profiles who have or do not have a certain field filled in via choosing Set / Not set options, for example, filter those who were imported from an external source:
Filters below can be set to:
- Yes:
- No:
- or any when no option is set:
- Yes:
- Avatar - whether or not the profile has a profile photo.
- Premium - whether or not the profile has a Premium subscription.
- Influence - LinkedIn Influencers are selected by invitation only and comprise a global collective of 500+ of the world's foremost thinkers, leaders, and innovators. LinkedIn Influencers - LinkedIn Help
- Open Link - The Open Profile Premium feature allows anyone on LinkedIn to contact a Premium member for free, even if they're not in the sender's network. Open Profile and Messages - Overview
- Jobseeker - Job Seeker Premium subscriber who choose to call this out explicitly in the profile page - Linkedin Premium
- With tags - shows profiles with chosen tags.
- Without tags - shows profiles without chosen tags.
- Has modified name - shows only those whose name was normalized by Linked Helper, i.e. emoji deleted, capitalized if needed, etc.
It's important to keep in mind that some information, such as position, company, Open Link status, etc., is not scraped from LinkedIn during the collecting process, but only when the profile is visited, hence filters won't always show all the profiles with certain criterium.
Let's imaging, for example, that there are 10 profiles in the CRM. 5 were collected and extracted, another 5 were only collected. And we know for sure that 4 profiles are Open Link profiles because we noticed during collecting that they have golden badges. If you apply Open Link filter, then the results can be the following:
- "Open Link = YES" - 2 profiles found
- "Open Link = NO" - 1 profile found
- "Open Link = ANY" - 7 profiles found
There is no mistake in the calculation because as it was already mentioned, Linked Helper gets data only for processed profiles, so it turns out that only 3 out of 4 profiles with open link status were extracted, and Linked Helper does not have full information about 4th profile, hence its status is undefined.
Below is the list of all available action buttons, most of them are not available unless at least one profile is selected or the feature plug-in is installed from Plug-in store. Unlike filters, only part of these action buttons is available at any level and any list. For example, there is no sense in the Exclude button in the Exclude list or Add profiles button in the Processed lists, etc.
- All X / X - select / deselect all profiles in the list or only those who are listed on the current page. If filters are used, only filtered profiles are selected.
- Add to - once profiles are selected, you can add them to another Campaign / Action.
- Delete - deletes profiles from the list.
- Exclude - add profiles to the Exclude list. Excluded profiles won't be processed or collected in the particular campaign (available with Exclude list plug-in installed).
- Move to the next action - allows you to skip profile from processing in the current action and moves it to the Queue of the next Action. In case of Replied list of Check for replies Action, it moves profiles to the next action Queue and mark their replies as ignored so they won't stop profile from being processed in the campaign.
- Download - downloads selected profiles into a CSV file.
- Tag - adds or removes tags from profiles (available with Tagging system plug-in installed).
- Show original names - show original names of a profile if they were normalized by Linked Helper.
- Add contacts - adds profiles from any source like a LinkedIn page, CSV file, CRM, etc.
- Change platform - allows choosing the LinkedIn platform for processing profiles or assign group / event ID to the selected profiles (available with Override platform plug-in installed).
- Custom variables - uploads custom variables (available with Custom template variables plug-in installed). They are available in Campaign and Action lists. Here is the link for more info - Linked Helper 2: Custom variables
- Retry - moves profiles back to the Queue, no matter whether the profile was successfully processed or failed or, in case of Excluded list, deletes profiles from the Exclude list and returns to the Action Queue where it was excluded from.
- Ignore reply and retry - moves profiles back to the Queue, mark their replies as ignored to send message from this Action.
Campaign level
You can review the profiles in order to exclude, delete, or skip them. Each Linked Helper campaign has a Lists tab with several lists where profiles are stored.
At the same time, as you probably already know, a workflow of a Linked Helper campaign can consist of several actions. Each action has a set of lists that is similar to the lists on a campaign level but those lists are not equal to the campaign lists.
Below are the lists of campaign level. As you can see, most of them are duplicated on the left side for your convenience. In order to see all of them in the Lists tab, simply click any list on the left side:
Let's take a close look at every list.
Here is the place where the workflow for most of the profiles begins. Campaign Queue contains profiles of the very first Action of the Workflow or those profiles from other Queues who did not drop there from the above Action but were added there manually (from CRM, via Lists Manager, from the CSV, etc). After collecting, you can delete or exclude certain profiles.
For example, profiles without avatars most likely joined LinkedIn not long ago and have a small number of 1st-degree connections, hence you may want to avoid inviting them. You can simply filter them out (First name = Set, Avatar = No) and then delete from the Queue, but in such a case, later they will be collected again. To prevent that, you can install Exclude list plug-in and exclude profiles so they won't be added again:
Now we have some profiles in the Exclude list.
Exclude list
It is available when Exclude list plug-in is installed and contains a list of profiles who either were excluded from the campaign at a certain step or those who were excluded before they get to the Queue, hence they should not be collected or added to any Queue manually. This is applied to every Action of the campaign.
There might be a situation when you need to exclude the same profiles from more than one campaign. You can easily do that by selecting the needed profiles or all of them in the Exclude list of one campaign and add them to the Exclude list of another:
When you delete profiles from the list, there could be a situation when some profiles are in the Excluded list because they were in Queue of some Action at the moment of excluding.
You will be offered either to delete profiles from the Excluded list and return them back to their Queues, hence the campaign will continue for them, or remove profiles from the Exclude list only, leaving excluded profiles where they are. In the latter case, profiles, who were excluded, won't be returned to Queues and processed in the campaign:
Those profiles who were not in the Excluded list, hence were not part of the Queue before being excluded, will not be added to the Queue, of course. However, if you want to add them to the campaign Queue, please, check this instruction.
As it was already mentioned previously, Exclude and Excluded lists are not quite the same thing. Excluded list contains only those profiles who had been a part of a queue of any Action before they were added to the Exclude list of the Campaign at some point, while the Exclude list contains all excluded profiles no matter whether they were in the Queue of any Action at the moment of excluding or not. Hence the Excluded list is a subset of the Exclude list.
they won't be collected to any queue;
they will be marked as excluded for the whole campaign.
profiles will be marked as excluded from this Action;
profiles will be added to the global Exclude list;
profiles will not be processed by any further actions.
Please, keep in mind that the Excluded list of Campaign Lists tab contains excluded profiles of all actions, while the Excluded list of an Action contains profiles excluded only from a particular Action.
If later, after reviewing and excluding some profiles out of the Queue, you change your mind and decide to return profiles back to the Queue, then the easiest way to do that is to select them in the Excluded list and click Return to Queue button. As a result, profiles will be deleted from both Exclude and Excluded lists and added to those action Queues where they were excluded from.
Here you can see profiles that have been pushed through the workflow, yet haven't reached the end of it. The list combines profiles from Queues of all Actions except the very first Action, as well as it does not include those profiles who did not fall into Action's Queue from the above Action, i.e. were manually added from CRM, other lists, uploaded from CSV, etc.
You cannot do anything special here apart from filtering profiles, assigning custom variables (with Custom template variables plug-in installed) tagging (with Tagging system plug-in installed), downloading, or adding to another Campaign:
The list contains profiles that have replied to a message sent within this particular campaign. It is important to bear in mind two things about reply detection:
- Linked Helper is NOT continuously monitoring replies to your messages, it checks reply of a certain profile to the previous message sent via the current campaign ONLY when processing it via the next messaging action.
- Currently, Linked Helper checks reply only to the previous message of the current campaign (provided that Reject if a contact replied after # setting is enabled). So if the first message was sent via campaign A and the second message will be sent via campaign B, then reply to the first message will not be detected.
You cannot do anything special here apart from filtering profiles, assigning custom variables (with Custom template variables plug-in installed) tagging (with Tagging system plug-in installed), downloading, or adding to another Campaign.
At the same time, this list contains detected replies so you can review them or click Message button to view whole messaging history with the profile:
Successfully processed profiles by the last Action in the Workflow.
If you don't have Multi-campaigns runner plug-in installed, then it is possible to add profiles only to the Campaign Queue or the very first Action of the workflow, hence most likely all profiles in Campaign's Successful list were processed via every Action of the workflow.
However, there three two cases when a profile in the Successful list of Campaign was not processed in every Action:
- Profile was skipped from processing in certain Action(s).
- Profile was added not into the first, but into any Action of the Campaign via the Collect menu or Lists Manager when Multi-campaigns runner plug-in was installed.
- Action was added in the middle of the workflow while there were processed profiles in both upper and lower actions. In such a case, some profiles will get into the Skipped sub-list.
Contains failed profiles that could not be processed by Actions due to different reasons, for example, profiles are unavailable, network issues, etc.
The list is duplicated in the left menu, from where you can move some failed profiles back to the Queue via Retry button. This button works only for profiles with temporary errors, while another part of profiles will remain in the Failed list (but can be moved back to the Queue manually from Action's Failed list).
For example, the Navigation to profile page failed error is a temporary one since it's a network, proxy, or LinkedIn glitch, and most likely later profile page will be opened. The Profile is unavailable error means the link does not lead to a profile but to This profile is not available LinkedIn web page which means the URL is corrupted or the profile was deleted by LinkedIn, hence there is no sense in returning:
Contains profiles for whom the workflow is over: successfully processed profiles in the last Action, excluded, failed, replied, or messaged profiles.
As with processing profiles, profiles that replied can also be filtered, tagged, downloaded, or added to another Campaign:
Available in inviting campaigns with Filter contacts out of my network (keep 1st level only). Contains all profiles who were successfully processed by Filter contacts out of my network Action, i.e. accepted your invitation:
Action level
Lists on the action level are almost the same ones that you see on the campaign level, though each action has its own set of lists.
You should keep in mind the difference between campaign and action level list: the former contains profiles from all Actions, while the latter only those profiles who were or will be processed in the current one.
Let us now review the lists of Message to 1st connections action because it contains all the lists that an Action can contain. To see all lists, you need to click 'Arrow down' button which is visible when you hover mouse over the Action:
An Action Queue is a list of profiles that will be processed in the current Action, here you can:
- Select / deselect all profiles or only those on the page.
- Add selected profiles to another Campaign.
- Delete profiles from the Queue.
- Exclude profiles from the Campaign (with Exclude list plug-in installed).
- Skip profiles from being processed by current action via Move to the next action button; for example, when you already manually sent the message which Linked Helper should have sent.
- Download collected profiles. Please, note that in order to get all information from the profile's page, the profile must be extracted first.
- Change the platform for processing profiles or assign them a group/event ID (with Override platform plug-in installed).
- Tag selected profiles (with Tagging system plug-in installed).
- Show profile's original names if they were normalized by Linked Helper.
- Add contacts to any Action of the Workflow if Multi-campaigns runner plug-in is installed or to the first Action Queue only without the plug-in.
- Add Action level custom variables (with Custom template variables plug-in installed).
Linked Helper has completed the Action for these profiles resulting in replied, messaged, successful, failed, skipped, or excluded profiles.
The list contains profiles that have replied to a previous message sent within this particular campaign. The result of "Reject if a contact replied after..." feature work, this option is available for "Message to 1st connections" and some other messaging Actions. It checks a message history from the current moment until the date of the message/invitation sent by the action above in the workflow.
Note: message history is checked only once when a profile is being processed by "Message to 1st connections".
Profiles that replied can also be filtered, tagged, downloaded, or added to another Campaign.
You can select them and click the Retry button (1) to move them back to the Queue if you need, but in this case, you need to disable the Reject if a contact replied after # setting otherwise profiles will be rejected again.
If you'd like to retry profiles and send them a message anyway, you need to choose Ignore reply and retry button (2):
Profiles that received a message from you (sent either manually or via Linked Helper) before Linked Helper managed to send a follow-up. Profiles in this list were stopped from being processed in the campaign because at the moment of sending a message from the current Action either Reject if you messaged after... or Reject if you or LH messaged a contact after the connection date setting was switched on.
Profiles that replied can also be filtered, tagged, downloaded, or added to another Campaign.
You can select them and click the Retry button to move them back to the Queue if you need, but in this case, you need to disable the Reject if you messaged after... setting of the current Action, otherwise, profiles will be rejected again.
Successfully processed profiles by the current Action. As in Replied and Messaged lists, there is a possibility to return profiles back to the Queue.
Important: in case of Message to 1st connections" action, returning profiles from the Successful list most likely will result in a duplicate message, because once a profile is returned, it is also deleted from both Successful and Processed lists. By default, Linked Helper doesn't send a message if the last one is equal to the one in template, however, even a small change of the template brakes this functionality and message could be sent.
Profiles get into Skipped list in several cases:
- They were moved from the Queue of the current Action into the next Action Queue manually.
- They were processed in Follow / unfollow profiles, Endorse my contacts, or Like and comment posts and articles Actions but Linked Helper could not perform the target activity, i.e. it could not follow or endorse profiles as these options were disabled by profiles themselves, or there were no content to react to.
- Profiles were moved from the Replied list of Check for replies Action into the next Action Queue and their detected replies.
- A new Action was added between Action #1 and Action #2, both of which had processed profiles at the moment of adding new action. The number of skipped profiles in the latter case is equal to the number of processed profiles of the next action:
If you accidentally moved profiles to the next action but now want to revert it all back, then you should know that Linked Helper does not have an "Undo" feature, however, you can return the profiles back:
- Go to the Queue of the next Action Queue where they should not be.
- Select the profiles (tag them to easily identify in the next steps of this instruction - How to use tags in Linked Helper?).
- Delete the profiles from the Action Queue where they should not be.
- Go to the Skipped sub-list of the Action where the profiles were skipped from.
- Select those skipped profiles (you can use tags to filter them).
- Click Retry button:
This list profiles that were failed during processing via current Action. As it was already said in the section on the Failed list of Campaign, only profiles with 'temporary' errors, such as network issue, can be returned from the Failed to Queue list via the Retry button in the left Campaign menu. However, if you need to return the rest of the profiles back to the Action Queue, you can do this via the Retry button from Failed list of every Action.
It also could happen that a profile cannot be processed in the current Action and falls into the Failed list, but you need this profile to be processed in the other Actions below. In such a case you can move the profile to the next Action Queue.
Before moving profile back to the Queue or to the next Action, you need to check the reason of the failure to make sure it makes sense to move profile. For example, you probably don't want to move a profile back to the Queue of messaging Action if the error says that the profile already received the same message.
Available only with Exclude list plug-in installed. This list contains profiles that had been a part of the current Action Queue before they were added to the Exclude list of the Campaign.
It is possible to:
- delete profiles from the list (Note: deleting profiles from this list does not mean they will be deleted from the Exclude list and will continue to be skipped during collecting process)
- return profiles back to the Queue (Note: returning profiles means they will be deleted from the Exclude list as well, hence Linked Helper will be able to process such profiles in the next Actions):
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