In the "LinkedIn accounts" tab you can manage LinkedIn accounts added to your Linked Helper account. Accounts here are separated by filters:
You can switch between running/stopped to preview only LinkedIn accounts that are currently opened with Linked Helper, or only those that are currently closed. You can also switch between archived LinkedIn accounts or those that are in use. You can also check on what LinkedIn accounts are running or were run on the current machine, as well as on what machines other LinkedIn accounts or were used the last time.
From this menu, you can:
- Add a new LinkedIn account
- Assign a license to LinkedIn account
- Buy new Linked Helper license
- Assign proxy for LinkedIn account
- Edit LinkedIn account
- Archive Linkedin account
- Open LinkedIn account
- Connect to a running instance remotely
- Show window with running LinkedIn account
- Create a backup file/Restore from a backup file
Add a new LinkedIn account
To add a new LinkedIn account, which you want to use with Linked Helper, please:
- Navigate to LinkedIn accounts menu
- Click on "Add new"
- Enter the email and password of your LinkedIn account and click on "Add" (you can store it locally on your machine if needed)
Please, note that you don't need to add your LinkedIn account password if you don't want to. Password is used for auto-login purposes only, so if you don't add it you will need to login to your LinkedIn account manually. Basically, if you don't want to store your LinkedIn account password on our servers, you can store it locally on your machine.
For each added LinkedIn account, Linked Helper creates a separate instance. The basic rule for creating a new LinkedIn account is one LinkedIn account - one instance.
That means you won't be able to login to another LinkedIn account in this instance and you won't be able to login to the same LinkedIn account in another instance.
Linked Helper will log you out if you try to use another account in the current instance. For example, I tried to log in with John LinkedIn account (instance ID #29) into the instance with ID #295, where Jane LinkedIn account was previously managed (please, see screenshots below). If you see such an error, then it means you need to add another instance for the account to which you try to log in:
Assign a license to LinkedIn account
In order to run a LinkedIn account with Linked Helper, you need to assign a license to it. If no license was attached to the LinkedIn account, but there is at least one free license, then it will be assigned to the LinkedIn account automatically then it starts.
You can assign a license to LinkedIn account manually as well:
- Mouseover the account and click on "Assign license" button
- Select the license and click on "Assign". (Please pay attention to switchers, by default Linked Helper shows here only free licenses, which are not used by anyone at the moment, so if you want to take the license from another LinkedIn account, you need to switch the last filter to "In Use")
Please check how to switch licenses between your LinkedIn accounts here.
Buy new Linked Helper license
You can buy a license from here or via the Launcher Licenses menu. Please check the detailed article on how to buy a new license
Assign proxy for LinkedIn account
Mouseover LinkedIn account and click on the "Assign proxy" button:
You should know that LinkedIn does not endorse when you manage someone else's account, no matter with or without automation tools: LinkedIn User Agreement
Proxy is used to change the IP address from which a LinkedIn account is being accessed. It is not needed if you are planning to run only your LinkedIn account.
Basically, proxies for LinkedIn accounts are used in two cases:
- You manage someone's LinkedIn account. You can set up a proxy for that account with the same location as the owner of that account.
- You manage several LinkedIn accounts on one machine. In this case, you can set up an individual unique proxy for each account so they are being accessed from different IP addresses and LinkedIn won't catch you with managing multiple LinkedIn accounts.
Please find more info on how to set up proxies here.
Edit LinkedIn account
You can always edit the email and password of the LinkedIn account. Mouseover your LinkedIn account and click on "Edit LinkedIn account credentials" for that.
For e.g add a password to enable the auto-login feature. You also don't need to add the real email address of the LinkedIn account, if you don't want to, it just needs to be in "" format.
Archive LinkedIn account
If you don't use a LinkedIn account anymore and you don't want it to be shown, you can archive it.
Archived accounts can be viewed if you switch the filter to "Archived";
If you need to return some archived account back, just mouse over it and click on "Unarchive";
Open LinkedIn account
To open an instance window with your LinkedIn account, hover the mouse over the Instance state column and click on the "Open" button:
There can be 4 options available if you are in the Launcher window:
- Open - open LinkedIn account locally, do not start campaigns.
- Open and run campaigns - after instance is opened, Linked Helper will start campaign runner and all the campaigns that were previously active.
- Open on remove machine - open LinkedIn account without starting campaigns. Account will be opened not on this PC but on the one where this LinkedIn account was previously active. For example, you run LinkedIn account on your work PC during the week. On weekends, when you open Launcher from home PC, you can start LinkedIn account on your work PC provided that it is still turned on.
- Open on remove machine and run campaigns - the same as above but with campaign runner and all the previously active campaigns will be started as well.
Linked Helper will open an instance window for that LinkedIn account:
Each LinkedIn account opens in a separate instance with a separate cache and database, so each of your LinkedIn accounts has separate CRM/Campaigns data inside.
Connect to a running instance remotely
Show window with running LinkedIn account
In case you are running multiple LinkedIn accounts or you just minimized the windows with the Linkedin accounts, you can mouseover the account and click on the "Show window" button, to open the window with it:
Create a backup file/Restore from a backup file
Since all Linked Helper's data is local, to move it on another machine you need to use backups. Please find more info about how to make backups here.
You can try the software for free during 14 days - download it and activate a free trial.
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