In this article, we cover the most frequent warnings encountered when adding a LinkedIn account. These warnings are usually met when a user is trying to create an instance for his / her LinkedIn in the Linked Helper account which already has some LinkedIn accounts added.
All the cases mentioned below are, in fact, built-in protection measures against the LinkedIn detecting system so that those of you who manage several LinkedIn accounts under one machine will not have any problems with LinkedIn as they are strongly opposed to multiple accounts management. This feature protects those marketers or sellers who manager their colleagues' accounts.
Wrong account warning
The roots of the issue
As you probably know from the LinkedIn Accounts menu article, when you add a new LinkedIn account, Linked Helper creates a sort of a separate browser user with its own unique set of cache and cookies, here at Linked Helper we call this an "instance". Linked Helper reserves this instance for the particular account and uses it every time you open it.
The basic rule for creating a new LinkedIn account is one LinkedIn account - one instance.
That means you won't be able to log into a LinkedIn account via the instance where any other LinkedIn account was already logged into. And vice versa, you won't be able to use a certain LinkedIn account in any free / taken instance if this LinkedIn account was already logged in under a certain instance.
In other words, if I have LinkedIn accounts of Jane and John, logged in into Linked Helper instances #24 and #56 respectfully, then I won't be able to log into Jane's LinkedIn via Linked Helper instance #56 where John was already logged in but now is logged out (or vice versa). If I create a new empty instance #88 and try to log into either John's or Jane's LinkedIn account there, then I also will be logged out as they already have their own instances #56 and #24.
It often happens that, despite an existing Linked Helper instance used to log into a particular LinkedIn account before, users try to add a new instance (for example, they have changed their email addresses to log into LinkedIn) or use the instance reserved for another LinkedIn account to access the targeted LinkedIn account. The user clicks Open, Linked Helper goes to the LinkedIn login page, enters these credentials, and finds out that they lead to the URL of the profile previously accessed through another instance or the instance a user tries to log in now was used for running another LinkedIn account before. In this case, Linked Helper will close the current instance and will show a "Wrong account" warning.
Hence, if you see a “Wrong account” warning, it means that you are trying to access the LinkedIn account through the wrong instance (that was used to log in to another LinkedIn account before or Linked Helper already has another instance reserved to log in targeted LinkedIn account).
In spite of the seeming complexity of the warning, you can easily fix the problem because the cause of it is detailed in the warning itself.
Case study: LinkedIn email was changed
Let us look at a typical situation when a user changed the email address for a LinkedIn account and added a new instance to Linked Helper instead. Jane Doe has a LinkedIn account. Her LinkedIn account public ID is alexander-blackbeard-233018248
He changed the email address for his LinkedIn account from to, added a new LinkedIn account for to Linked Helper, and opened the newly created instance. Linked Helper tried to log in but failed and the “Wrong account” error message appeared.
The error message refers to the two instance IDs, namely A (#196702, previously used instance) and B (#240328, newly added instance).
Let’s find both of them. If one of the instances was archived, you should unarchive it first.
As you can see in the picture, instance #196702 was logged in Alexander’s account before. At the same time, instance #240328 has been never logged into any LinkedIn account (it has not logged in status)
How to solve the problem
Note: If you changed your email address to log into your LinkedIn account, you should change the email address for the existing instance that you used to log into that account previously (instead of adding a new account to Linked Helper).
That is how you should interpret the “Wrong account” warning:
- The last time when Linked Helper logged in this LinkedIn page, you used the instance A (#196702), whereas now you are trying to access the same LinkedIn account through the instance B (#240328)
- This is the LinkedIn account you are trying to open (public ID is alexander-blackbeard-233018248)
- The newly added instance B (#240328) was never used to log in any LinkedIn account (no ids yet)
- You used the previously added instance A (#196702) to get into the focused LinkedIn account
To fix the problem, we should edit the LinkedIn credentials for instance A so that they are correct, and edit the LinkedIn email address for the instance B so that it does not match either the old or the new email address of that LinkedIn account:
- Change the email address for the instance B so that it does not match either the old or the new email address of that account. E.g., you can add any character to the email address or use any other email address, even not an existing one. In this example, I added a "1" at the end of the email address, which is enough to make it different from both the old and the new email addresses of this LinkedIn account. Remember to press Save.
- Unarchive the instance A if necessary: How to unarchive LinkedIn account
- Change the email address for instance A so that it is correct. Enter a valid password if necessary. Remember to press Save.
- Archive the instance B (Archive LinkedIn account). As soon as you archive it, if you had the license, assigned to this instance, it will become “free” and you will be able to use it for the instance A (it will be assigned automatically when you press the Open button for the instance A). Alternatively, you can switch the license manually from the instance B to instance A (How to switch the license between your LinkedIn accounts)
- Open the instance A
- Done.
You will be able to use instance B later, if you get some new LinkedIn account you would like to add – unarchive it, edit LinkedIn credentials, assign a license, and press Open.
Case study: log in to the instance which is already in use
As it was mentioned in The roots of the issue part of this article, you cannot log in to the previously used instance (i.e. where a LinkedIn account was managed before) with any other LinkedIn except the one that you previously used for that instance.
- You are trying to edit credentials for already existing instance #125479 instead of creating a new separate instance for a new LinkedIn account.
- You have entered LinkedIn credentials for Alexander Sand's LinkedIn account.
- This instance (#125479) was used before to access Jane Doe’s LinkedIn account.
How to solve the problem
- Edit LinkedIn credentials for the instance, mentioned in the warning (in our case the instance ID is #125479). You can change them back to the credentials you used before to access the account Linked Helper reserved this instance for (in our example it’s Jane’s account). If you do not need this instance any longer, you can use any other email (even fake or not existing one), input some fake password, and archive this instance (Archive LinkedIn account).
- Add a new LinkedIn account to log in to another LinkedIn account – in our example it’s Alexander’s account (Add a new LinkedIn account)
- Reassign license from the instance you used before to a newly created instance if necessary (How to switch the license between your LinkedIn accounts)
- Open the newly created instance.
- Done.
“Email already exists” warning
Another error you may encounter is “Failed to create LinkedIn accounts, email already exists”.
The roots of the issue
That means that you already have the Linked Helper instance with the email address that matches the one you are trying to add. It does not mean though that the instance was already taken by the LinkedIn account with that email address, as it is possible to save any valid email in the instance settings, it could be that the LinkedIn account was never logged in there.
How to solve the problem
As a solution, you need to use the previously created instance that has the email address you're trying to add, and not create a new one.
If you do not see the account with the same email address in the list of accounts, most likely the account, the error message refers to, was archived. Please unarchive it first (How to unarchive LinkedIn account), edit password if necessary, and start it.
Here are some more useful articles from our blog:
- How to buy bulk LinkedIn accounts fast and automatically grow them
- Can you create a LinkedIn business page without a personal account?
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