Many of our clients prefer to separate campaigns with the same workflow structure for different groups of profiles, for example, divided by Industry(Computer Games and Computer Software will most likely have the same Actions, but slightly different message templates), or used in A / B testing.
This article explains how to create a clone of a campaign in one click. The tip is extremely useful for sellers who can check which selling message works best.
In order to save time and effort, you can copy already existing workflow. To do that you you need to:
- navigate to Campaigns menu;
- open your campaign;
- click the "Clone" button:
After that, a popup will appear and Linked Helper 2 prompt you to:
- give the name to your copied campaign;
- decide what to do with the profiles in the current campaign:
- "Exclude profiles from the current campaign" - the profiles that are currently in the "Queue" and "Processed" (including all those in the "Successful", "Failed", "Replied", etc sub-lists of the original campaign) lists will be excluded in the current campaign.
- "Copy Exclude list from the current campaign into a new one" - the Exclude list of your original campaign will be duplicated in the new campaign. Is there a global Exclude list?
After you'll press the "Clone" button, Linked Helper 2 will copy the campaign with all actions, action settings, and message templates from the original campaign, so all you need is to alter message templates and / or adjust action settings. Please, note that you can add or delete Actions in the new campaign's workflow as well.
The new and original campaigns are two separate instances and do not depend on each other, i.e. altering the original campaign won't change any settings in the newly created clone.
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