Main info
This action checks when a profile was added to its Queue and moves it forward after a set amount of time. The timer works for each profile individually, so profiles will be released to the next Action Queue, not in bunches, but one by one. This Action is a must for sellers who do not want to be too pushy and make different pauses between warm-up and reach out activities.
Here is the link to instruction on how to set up a workflow.
By default, only a couple of options are available yet it is possible to add extra functionality any time via plugin installation:
General tab
Here you can set the delay (days and hours) for the profiles, i.e. how much time each profile will be sitting in the Action Queue before it will be moved to the next action:
Enhance this action with
- Override platform - choose where to process profiles: regular LinkedIn, Sales Navigator, or Recruiter.
How it works
For a more detailed approach, let's consider a workflow consisting of three actions:
2. Delay between actions⇩
Here is what will happen when the campaign is started:
- A profile gets processed by 'Visit and extract profiles' Action and moved from the Queue to the Successful sub-list of the first Action.
- From the Successful sub-list of the first Action, the profile is immediately moved to the Queue of Delay between actions.
- Since a 1-day delay (which is equal to 24 hours) is set, the profile is not moved further below till its 24-hour pause is over.
- Once the day for the profile runs out, the profile is moved to the Processed list.
- At the same time, the profile is added to the Queue of the next action, which is 'Invite 2nd and 3rd contacts' in our case:
You can try the software for free during 14 days - download it and activate a free trial.
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