In Linked Helper, plug-in is a separate unit (an Action, an action/campaign/CRM extension) that adds certain functionality to the Linked Helper. Plug-ins can be enabled / disabled any time regardless of the license type.
- Plug-in store
- Invite 2nd and 3rd level contacts
- Message to 1st connections
- Visit & Extract profiles
- Find Profile Emails
- Follow / unfollow profiles
- Like and comment posts and articles
- Boost post
- Message to group members
- Message to event attendees
- Send person to external CRM
- Send person to webhook
- Send person to campaign
- InMail to 2nd & 3rd contacts
- Scrape messaging history
- Filter contacts out of my network (keep 1st level only)
- Check for replies
- Invite to follow organization
- Invite person to event
- Invite to group
- Endorse my contacts
- Remove from 1st connections
- Employees extractor
- Delay between actions
- Postpone action start plug-in
- Action steps delays plug-in
- Override platform plug-in
- Advanced settings for Invite 2nd and 3rd level contacts plug-in
- Advanced settings for Filter contacts out of my network (keep 1st level only) plug-in
- Advanced settings for Check for replies plug-in