Main info
With Linked Helper you can set up a funnel of actions and process profiles through it. "Endorse my contacts" is one of Linked Helper's actions that can be added to your workflow. Linked Helper can automatically send endorsements to any of your 1st-degree connection profiles. Between 10% to 30% on your contact list will endorse you in return which is a perfect skill boost for marketers and sellers.
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Please, note that:
- if the first X skills were already endorsed, then Linked Helper will try to endorse the next X skills (e.g. skills 4 - 6);
- if you set to specify a certain skill and there is no such skill on the profile page, then Linked Helper won't endorse any skill but move the profile to the 'Successful' list and then further into the next action;
- if there are no skills to endorse, then Linked Helper will move the profile to the 'Successful' list and then further into the next action;
- if a profile forbade others to endorse his or her skills, then Linked Helper will move the profile to the 'Skipped' list and then further into the next action.
The logic behind such behavior is that the goal of the Action is to endorse available skills and that's it. Endorse my contacts Action does not check what Skills there are and how many of them / what exact skills were already endorsed, so if there is nothing to endorse, then there are no skills or they all have been endorsed, hence the Action considers such profile as successfully processed.
It is possible to switch the endorse mode to endorse the number of first profile's skills, specified skill, or all of them:
- First - Linked Helper will endorse first X skills, three for example. If the first three are already endorsed, Linked Helper will choose the next three skills, i.e. 4th, 5th, and 6th.
- Specified - Linked Helper will endorse the specified skill(s). If there is no specified skill(s) in the profile's page, Linked Helper will move such a profile in the Successful sub-list.
- All - Linked Helper will endorse every skill which is not endorsed yet.
Enhance this action with:
- Tagging system - automatically tag successfully processed profiles to filter and group them when needed.
- Postpone action start - postpone Action to let other Actions run.
- Action steps delays - change timeouts to process profiles slower and be on the safe side.
- Override platform - choose where to process profiles: regular LinkedIn, Sales Navigator, or Recruiter.
How To
Please check the detailed article about how to automatically endorse LinkedIn connections here.
Here are some more useful articles from our blog:
- How to get and give endorsements on LinkedIn: Full guide + automation
- Recruitment Trends and Strategies: Chris Cornwall Shares His Expertise
You can try the software for free during 14 days - download it and activate a free trial.
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